Tories cast doubt on food commission
The Conservative Party is considering setting up an alternative food and farming policy commission because of serious doubts about the governments own investigation……….page 10
Fodder figures
Fears of a fodder shortage this winter and concerns over feeding too little fibre in cow rations were hot topics at the stock-less Dairy Show in Somerset………………… 46
Vet = watchdog?
Vets could carve a new role for themselves as farm auditors to ensure customers get safe food, the BVAcongress was told………………………….page 50
Drilling fields
With over half the winter cereal crop drilled, applying post-emergence herbicides to early-sown crops should now be a priority, say advisers………page 61
Minimum tillage and regular muck applications should be a recipe for slug hell, particularly during this autumns slug-friendly conditions…… 64
Keeping oilseed rape disease-free now could provide a very significant boost to yields next harvest. Our latest baseline advice article explains what is needed…………………… 70
Patent pickiness?
An Irish grassland specialist is claiming a patent infringement by Kverneland on its new baler wrapper……………………page 75
Precision tread
Goodyear has launched two new tyres for tractors which are wider and use a higher volume of air than standard-widths, aiming at reduced soil compaction…………………….page 76
Cat fight
Two skid steer loaders are put through their paces -Caterpillars 216 and JCBs Robot 216…………………page 85