Super-levy bill looming

11 April 1997

Super-levy bill looming

WHOLESALE milk producers are facing a national super-levy bill of about £16m.

Production figures for March from the Intervention Board put the UK at 1.22bn litres after adjusting for butterfat – 68m litres (5.9%) over quota. Added to Februarys cumulative surplus, this means the UK finished the last milk year 89m litres ahead of target. But from that has to be deducted the 29m litres permanently converted from direct sale to wholesale quota. That leaves a year-end surplus of 60m litres, generating a super-levy bill of £16.5m based on this years fine of 27.23p/litre.

The final piece of the jigsaw will be the volume of quota temporarily transferred between direct and wholesale. &#42

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