Take advantage of our Pesticide Guide offer and save £s

18 May 2001

Take advantage of our Pesticide Guide offer and save £s

DONT lose track of which pesticides you can use on which crops and when. This years UK Pesticide Guide provides detailed coverage of over 1450 products – and farmers weekly has negotiated specially discounted prices for its readers.

The UK Pesticide Guide 2001 contains details of 550 active ingredients and mixtures and over 120 authorised adjuvants. New pesticides listed include fungicides triticonazole, metconazole and trifloxystrobin, new sulfonylurea herbicide DE570 and new insecticide pymetrozine.

Pesticide profiles give full details for each active ingredient, with an up-to-date list of approved uses and details of off-label approvals agreed during 2000.

The guide also lists approved chemicals for each pest/problem and contains handy summaries of all relevant legislation, plus maximum residue levels, occupational exposure standards, first aid measures and advice for using products in or near water.

The CD version allows speedy searching for information, with improved downloading, saving and printing facilities added this year.

Normal price of the book is £24.50 and the CD £76.38. But farmers weekly has negotiated special discounted prices of £20 for the book and £50 for the CD, representing discounts of 20% and 30% respectively. &#42

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