Think-tank calls for Milk Czar

1 June 2001

Think-tank calls for Milk Czar

By FWi staff

THE milk sector should appoint a “milk czar” to promote the benefits of milk and the cause of British dairy producers, according to an industry think-tank.

The Milk Strategy Initiative has called for industry-wide co-operation to appoint a high profile champion for the industry as a matter of urgency.

MSI member Peter Padfield said: “Since the abolition of the Milk Marketing Boards our industry has, in many respects, been like a headless chicken.”

The right person for the job may well be from outside the industry because they could take a fresh approach and think and act laterally, said Mr Padfield.

The preferred candidate may be “someone who has no political baggage, no partisan commercial interests and no stultifying committee restrictions.”


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