Three-in-one move saves cash
Three-in-one move saves cash
WEED and cost control has been improved on one Suffolk farm by rolling three operations into one.
Suspension fertiliser has been used by the Mann Group at High House Farm, Bawdsey for about seven years. For the past three years autumn applications have had herbicides mixed in.
"Weve definitely seen improved weed control," says Alex Mann who manages the farms 800ha (2000 acres) of cereals.
"Timing of the application is better and we are combining three operations in one pass." According to weed target, Omex contractor Philip Clarke adds herbicide to the fertiliser and spins slug pellets on from the front of the spreader at the same time.
Separate passes would cost about £20/ha; one pass with the suspension fertiliser rig costs £10/ha, excluding chemical and fertiliser costs.
Benefits are greatest with Avadex Excel (tri-allate), which would otherwise require a separate, slower, pass with a granular applicator. "It is spread at 24m so there are no extra wheelings – with granules you can only go to 12m."
Avadex is targeted on fields or headlands where wild oats and sterile brome are expected. Prebane (terbutryn) may be added, or used alone on fields without those weeds.
New pre-emergence herbicide Crystal (flufenacet + pendimethalin) has replaced Avadex on blackgrass and ryegrass problem areas.
"We have a mild resistance problem, so new chemistry has to be good and we are looking for as much kill as possible so we dont have to go back until spring."
Last autumn that was achieved on 80% of cereals. "It meant we didnt have to make a mess in December and the 20% we did revisit in the spring was only because the seed-bed wasnt good enough in the autumn or we got late flushes of wild oats."
Once the fertiliser/herbicide mix is applied the seed-bed must not be touched, he adds. "You mustnt break the seal."
The operation is contracted out so does not take a man and tractor away from drilling or potato or sugar beet lifting. "It means I can concentrate on other things. If we drill a field in the morning I can say to the contractor I want it sprayed by that night and it gets done." *
• One pass fertiliser, herbicide and slug pellets.
• Avadex, Prebane or Crystal on cereals.
• Avadex – wild oats and sterile brome.
• Crystal – blackgrass and ryegrass.
Contractor application of suspension fertiliser and herbicide gets pre-emergence products on at the right time with top results, says Suffolk grower Alex Mann.