Time to spray linseed

29 May 1998

Time to spray linseed

WINTER linseed growers should apply a fungicide as soon as possible, says Bayer technical support manager, Bob Simons.

"Optimum timing is 10-14 days after the start of flowering. For most crops that will be the last week of May."

He recommends 0.5 litres/ha Folicur (tebuconazole) plus half-rate mbc.

"The Folicur adds to mbcs septoria control, and has an effect on powdery mildew and alternaria, which mbc misses."

HGCA results confirm the response of the winter crop to fungicide, noting pasmo or Septoria linecola as one of the main yield limiting factors.

The full-flower timing is the most cost effective fungicide treatment on winter linseed, and the winter crop is much more responsive than the spring, adds Mr Simons. &#42

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