Variability beginning to show

30 August 2001

Variability beginning to show

“HARVEST has gone quite quickly in the last six or seven days, although rain has dampened things today. By the middle of next week most will be finished,” says Chris Toft of Allied Grain in Melksham in Wiltshire.

He says about 80% is finished below the M4. He says the quality of spring barley has begun to deteriorate. “In the later harvested barleys, which were ready two weeks ago, where farmers have had three or four goes at harvesting them, the later samples nitrogen has crept up.”

Nitrogen in the range of 1.8 and above is being recorded, “the market will assess whether these are used.”

In wheat there is beginning to be variability in Hagberg but not too dramatic. “It will take time for wheat harvested in the last week to filter through the system, so we will have to wait and see.”

“This is the longest drawn out season I can remember.”

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