Weald Granary revises payments

By FWi staff

MEMBERS of grain storage and marketing co-operative Weald Granary look set to benefit from a revised payment scheme for the 2001 harvest.

Under the new plan, the biggest gainers will be producers who are still paying off grain storage entitlement charges, says grain store manager John Smith.

“Last year we had a situation where some members were left with very little of their November payments after all storage and handling charges were deducted.

“This season, to help balance their cashflow, we will not be making any deductions until March.”

To assist further, the co-op has also increased the proportion of the crop payment handed out in November.

This has gone up from 45% to 50%, with a corresponding cut in June payments. Based on current wheat prices, this should add an extra 13/t to members November cheques.

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