OF the six wheats on the Recommended List half are fully recommended.
Chablis remains top yielder whether sown in the conventional spring slot or much earlier. But whereas in 1996 Chablis accounted for half the certified seed area, last harvest its share slipped to 39%.
In 1996 Axona had a 13% share of the certified seed area. But it accounts for nearly a quarter of the area for sowing this spring. "It is hard to know why this has happened, especially as its breadmaking quality has come down a point," says NIABs Richard Fenwick. "But it is still a NABIM Group 1 variety whereas Chablis is Group 2."
Shiraz makes up the fully recommended trio. Slightly more susceptible to mildew, it is the only soft endosperm type on the list and is always grown on contract, he says.
Provisionally recommended Imps share of the seed area has doubled to 15% since 1996. "It is a good promising variety with better quality than Chablis." Its main weakness, compared with the others, is against brown rust. Baldus and Avans, both prone to Septoria tritici, are becoming outclassed.
Yield ratings of
recommened wheats
Fully recommended
105 Chablis
100 Shiraz
92 Axona
Provisionally recommended
103 Imp
Becoming outclassed
100 Baldus
95 Avans