Wheat and spring barley

30 August 2001

Wheat and spring barley

THE winter wheat and spring barley crops are variable but closing in according to David Roberts of G O Davis in Shropshire. “If we have a fine weekend well be coming to the end of it.”

Spring barley has had variable nitrogen between 1.5-1.8%, “but they are ok in the main. Farmers are quite happy with yields on early crops between 2.5-3t/acre (6.8-7.5t/ha), but the later sown stuff, which is not fit yet, will be worse.”

Early drilled Claire is performing well at 8.6t/ha (3.5t/acre), but there have been reports of 5t/ha (2t/acre) crops on later drilled wheat. “The October and November drilled crops have been absolutely clobbered.”

Milling wheat quality is not brilliant. Hagberg appears to be holding above 300, but proteins are about 10%, and specific weights are ok.

“Harvest is as expected and farmers havent expected any records but the mood is gloomy. At least the weather has been kind and they have not been hit with the same drying costs as last year.”

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