Wheat is disappointment

5 September 2001

Wheat is disappointment

Wheat has been a big disappointment for Anthony Hornshaw, who farms near Darlington. “Wheat has not yielded well, but the operation has gone well. Its been a picnic compared to last year.” Most of the crop was combined at 17-18% moisture.

Consort, Claire and Equinox have yielded poorly. “It varied depending on the establishment of the crops. The ones drilled in September were ok, but things went downhill from there. The barns are not full and Id rather not state what the yields were.”

Quality of the biscuit wheat is ok with Hagbergs in mid 200s and reasonable proteins.

Optic spring barley has yielded better and has been good quality, with 1.7% nitrogen. “This crop has been better than expected.”

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