YFSarah learns from Zambian experience
YFSarah learns from Zambian experience
IS THE year ahead one in which to undertake a new challenge? Make that trip you always promised yourself maybe? Foreign travel is certainly to be recommended, says Ludlow Young Farmers Club member Sarah Richards, who spent a month last year in Zambia.
She made the trip to Africa with Hampshire YFCs Richard Bedford. "I chose Zambia because I was interested in seeing how a developing county survives and how the people live," says Sarah.
Among the farms she visited were those growing coffee, tobacco, cotton and soya.
"It is essential that other young farmers take up these opportunities to see other ways of life and to expand their knowledge and understanding."
Cotton crops and mange-tout packing for the European market were just two of the sights Ludlow young farmer Sarah Richards saw on her sponsored trip to Zambia.