Yield hopes for oilseed rape
22 August 2001
Yield hopes for oilseed rape
IAN LEARMONTH, farmer and agronomist from Greens of Savoch, north of Ellon in Aberdeenshire, has been combining oilseed rape since Monday (20 August).
“Pronto looks like a very good yield, but it is too early to say. Reports of oilseed rape in the area are generally quite good.” They started combining at 14% on Monday and it has fallen to 12% today.
Pastoral and Regina winter barley for feed have yielded better than expected and about average at 7.9t/ha (3.2t/ha). “The earlier drilled crops have generally done better, with good quality at 69kg/hl.”
Spring barley should follow on from oilseed rape next week and wheat will be three weeks away on the medium loam soil farm.
“Winter barley has been better than expected, oilseed rape is very good and the crops to come are not too bad. With oilseed rape prices improving, it has given the farmers around here something to cheer about.”
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