Yields below average
31 August 2001
Yields below average
Yields are below average for Mark Middleton, who farms at Pytcheley near Northampton. He has almost finished wheat and has started combining beans.
Wheat yields have been variable. First wheat Malacca has yielded 8.6t/ha (3.5t/acre) and second wheat Malacca has yielded 8t/ha (3.25t/acre). "We expect at least 4t/acre (10t/ha) on first wheat Malacca.
"Everything is fine for quality, with protein about 12.5%."
Claire and Consort have yielded between 5-10t/ha (2-4t/acre). The poor yields can be blamed on drainage in fields where winter conditions were very poor.
Spring beans are yielding 3.7t/ha (1.5t/acre), which is below the expected 5t/ha (2t/acre). They should move onto peas tomorrow.
"Yields are poor, but no worse than expected. I knew where the disasters would be so did not get excited when going into the field."
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