Cereals 2010: New liquid fertiliser applicator for min-till rape

A new liquid fertiliser applicator for min-till established oilseed rape will help get crops well established before the rigours of winter, according to its manufacturer.

Revealed at Cereals 2010, the Nutri-Start LQ from Techneat Engineering incorporates GPS controllers and accurate metering units to assure precise placement of nutrients just where they are required for establishing seedlings.

Coupled with a seeding unit on a subsoiler or cultivation tool, the system features a 400, 600 or 800-litre implement mounted fertiliser tank, or a 1000-litre tank mounted on the front of the tractor.

It can be fully integrated with the company’s TerraCast V2 seeding unit and utilise the same GPS signal, to simultaneously govern the metering units of both machines. The Nutri-Start LQ can also be coupled to any other seeding units, such as Opico or Stocks, to create a complete system at significantly lower cost.

James English of Techneat Engineering said: “Placing readily available liquid fertiliser in a band with the seed – directly where the small root systems of seedlings can take full advantage – ensures optimum uptake and reduced risk of environmental loss.

He added that band application of fertiliser can typically reduce fertiliser waste by more than 60%, compared to overall application.

• Click here for full Cereals 2010 coverage.

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