Farming Sunday TV goes on line exclusively on FWi
A new series dedicated to grass-roots farming issues launches on Sunday 15 October.
Farming Sunday will be available on Sky channel 181. Seven programmes are scheduled for the autumn covering a range of issues from growing crops on contract, opportunities for biofuels, collaboration, the future of dairying, moving further up the food chain and much more.
“Farming Sunday was developed when it was identified that over half of UK farmers have a satellite dish,” said producer Alan Powell.
“We carried out audience research with farmers and they overwhelmingly said they would watch a specialist farming programme and they missed the old farming programmes that used to be on ITV.
“We also asked them what they wanted to see and the key areas of interest were farmer profiles, key government and EU policies explained and expert advice in terms of animal and crop production.”
Farming Sunday will focus on farming and agribusiness, and give helpful and relevant information to help farmers now and into the future, Mr Powell added. “We are here to support farming and give the farming community a TV voice.”
The first programme, which goes out live at 12 noon this Sunday, features arable grower Rad Thomas and how he now sells his crops through a marketing group. Mr Thomas also explains the opportunities he believes there are for growers of biofuels.
Agronomists also give their views on blackgrass control, and ASDA’s Chris Brown outlines how farmers and retailers can work better together.
Don’t miss the first programme in this exciting new development brought to you by Farming Sunday TV and available each Monday following for you on FWi, FSTV’s exclusive media partner.