Website launched for stewardship advisers

Land agents and consultants who advise farmers about environmental stewardship applications are being urged to take advantage of a new mini-website.

Launched by Natural England, the web pages have been developed to provide agents with a “one-stop shop” for environmental stewardship information.

They include downloadable latest news, publications and guidance relevant to their clients and customers who are in stewardship or looking to join.

The pages give access to video clips, presentations, case studies and electronic versions of the stewardship handbooks.

Also included is a newly published range of leaflets to be used when offering advice to uplands farmers on the best options to choose and where to locate them.

Alice de Soer, from the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers, said the web pages would provide agents with a useful one-stop resource.

“Agents can use them to assist and advise their clients without having to search on-line or wait for printed copies to arrive by post.”

Leaflets cover which options to choose for farming the uplands for wildlife, for cleaner water and healthier soil, and for landscape and the historic environment.

Agents and consultants can submit their contact details to Natural England, along with their areas of work and interest, for inclusion on a list of advisers.

Farmers will be signposted to local agents on the register if they require commercial help with stewardship.

Natural England will use contact details to keep in touch with agents and consultants with news updates, scheme information and relevant events.

* To access the web pages, visit

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