Big names in farming join CAP reform campaign
More than 20 farming organisations – including some of the biggest names in British agriculture – have joined a coalition campaigning for a fairer deal on CAP reform.
Launched last month by the NFU, Country Land and Business Association and Tenant Farmers’ Association, the coalition now has 24 members calling for a fair deal for English farmers.
An open letter urging politicians not to damage English farming and domestic food production was sent to the government by the coalition on Friday (15 March).
Coalition members include the Velcourt farming company, Openfield, Dairy Crest, the ABP Food Group, British Sugar, Bernard Matthews Farms, AB Agri and the Agricultural Industries Confederation.
English farmers already receive lower payments than their major European competitors, the coalition has warned.
It is worried that English farmers will be further disadvantaged by the way that DEFRA may choose to implement the CAP in England.
The NFU has written to MPs in rural England laying out the concerns of the coalition.
It asked for MPs to raise concerns with DEFRA and government ministers based on two threats that the coalition believes would disadvantage English farmers.
The first threat is more costly and demanding forms of “greening” for English farmers than will be required from farmers in the rest of Europe.
The second threat is increased rates of “voluntary modulation” – moving money from direct payments for farmers to rural development schemes.
NFU president Peter Kendall said: “CAP reform has never been about the money for us. It’s about fairness and making sure English farmers are not disadvantaged by our own government.”
The letter aimed to remind MPs of the importance of getting CAP reform and its implementation absolutely right, Mr Kendall said.
“I want DEFRA ministers to really consider the effect the political and economic dogma we hear from them so often will have on our farming industry.”
He added: “We need a fair deal for English farmers; the future of our food and farming industry depends on it.”