Pig producers still losing £4-6 for every weaner

The eight month rally in UK pigmeat prices appears to have levelled out and although the Deadweight Adjusted Pig Price (DAPP) put on a further 0.88p to stand at 157.99p (for the week ended 26 October) shout prices issued by the big five contract abattoirs have remained unchanged as below:

  • 163p Woodheads
  • 160p Gills
  • 159p Tulip
  • 159p Vion
  • 58p Cranswick

Spot bacon has also been traded at similar levels in 160-163p range due to cheaper imported pigmeat following a fall of 1.25% in the value of the euro over the past seven days as well as indifferent high street retail demand.

Cull sow prices have also eased in sympathy the lower value of the euro with export abattoirs buying in the 114-117p range down 1-2p on the week.

Weaner prices are however starting to indicate reductions in the supply chain with the latest Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) 30kg ex-farm weaner average quoted at £42.29 a head, but still £4-6 below cost of production (COP) levels.

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