WI to lobby government on food labelling

Women’s Institute members are planning a massive food-labelling campaign.
It will become the campaigning focus for the next year for its 205,000 WI members across England and Wales after a vote by delegates at the National Federation’s AGM in Cardiff on Wednesday (2 June).
A resolution calling on the government to “introduce clear and mandatory country-of-origin labelling on all meat, poultry and fish products sold in this country” was passed with a majority of 99.1%.
Ruth Bond (pictured), chair of the National Federation of WIs, said: “This resolution is great news for many WI members who feel that they have not always been getting a true picture of where the food in their daily shop comes from.
“A pork pie labelled British does not always contain British meat. That flies in the face of what most shoppers would expect. WI members will now campaign for mandatory accurate labelling which reflects food’s journey from field to fork.”