10,000gns bid for Harviestoun Casino

Harviestoun Casino from Mrs Poett has taken one of the day’s leading calls, selling for 10,000gns. This one is a Ravensworth Unwin son out of Harviestoun Stella, a Blelack Navigator daughter.


Then at 7000gns was Baillieston Charles, a Hoffmeister son out of Ballieston Tania, he sold with a TSI of +28 and an SRI of +33.

Next came Goldies Chief at 5000gns, he’s by Goldies Vicechancellor, a full brother to Uppermost, and is out of Goldies Anna, a Hoffmesiter daughter. Figures of +40 and +47 went with this one. At 6000gns Boden and Davies sold Sportsmans Crest, a Balbithan Unicorn son, while 7000gns secured another from Harviestoun, this time Chuck. Also by Unwin, he’s got a TSI of +36 and an SRI of +42.

Jimmy Wilson sold at 5500gns when he traded Ugie Chief, a Farleycopse Turbo son out of a Maerdy Oxytone sired dam.

And Hamish Goldie was back in the thick of it at 6500gns selling Goldies Cassanova, another Vicechancellor son, this time out of a Blelack Rustic sired dam.