uCARROT handling specialists Everett Brothers Engineers of Norfolk have been awarded a £1.5m contract by US-based Zellwin Farms to install a washing, grading and packing line.
uAGREVO, the German agrochemical company, is paying $650m (£380m) for Cargills North American seed operation, the latest in a series of moves by biotech companies to secure their own seed outlets to speed expansion of the technology. AgrEvo already has some of the biggest suppliers of genetically altered seed in the US as partners, including Pioneer Hi-Bred and Novartis. Among its products are insect-tolerant corn and herbicide tolerant oilseed rape. The move will increase its presence in the core Midwest corn and soya bean areas.
uDEMAND for British wool is good, but prices remain very low, says Ian Hartley, managing director of the British Wool Marketing Board. Last weeks Bradford offering of 2.6m kilos resulted in a 91% clearance with prices averaging 70p/kg, 3% up on the August sale. But values are 12% down on the start of the season in June, when the indicator price was 79p/kg, and 28% down on the 98p/kg achieved this time last year.
uWEST Country agricultural machinery business Milton Mills Engineering is for sale after receivers from KPMG were called in this week. The firm, which has service centres at Milton Abbas, Dorset, and Seavington St Michael, Somerset, has operated a John Deere sales and service dealership since 1971, and has a Kawasaki quad bike franchise. *